Tuesday, 8 November 2011

My Bonfire Night

Hi Everyone

So one thing that people may not know about me is that i have a passion for photography. This weekend i went to Centre Parcs in Nottingham with my family for a celebration weekend because my Grandad recently turned 70! I must admit i was very excited for the Saturday night because it was Bonfire Night, they had a massive firework display across the lake and it was fabulous. I am a very big fan of fireworks anyway and they definitely didnt dissapoint. For my last birthday my Auntie bought me a new digital camera which when i looked at in more detail had a Firework mode on it so naturally i was very excited to try it out, and i am so pleased with how the photos came out.

So i hope you all like these photos, i was very impressed with them.

Catch you later

New Start!

Hi Everyone!

So i had majorly neglected my blog, as i hadnt put anything on here since April. I have decided to take a new start on here by re-doing all of it and taking off the old posts and starting from scratch. It is now basically going to be a bit of everything that i enjoy, probably alot of Make-Up and fashion but also stuff in my life and things like that. so i hope that you all enjoy this new change and i am planning on doing the same thing with my YouTube channel which i am also going to link up with this blog. Anyway i dont want to ramble so ill wrap it up here and get some more changes underway.

Lots of love