Monday, 18 February 2013

Friends, Blogging & Ramble

Helloo Guys,

So I know I have been away for 6 days and as I said in my last post I have been very busy trying to sort out a lot of things. So I thought that I would just do a bit of a rambly life kind of post for you today. Sorry if these bore you but I like to have a bit of a ramble sometimes and seen as a lot of my best friends are away at university *sobsob* I enjoy having a bit of a ramble to you. So I guess I will start with me just mentioning that, My friends. I rarely see any of my best friend’s from school because most of them are away at university. My 2 best friend’s Betony & Hannah both live in Leeds which is a 2 hour train journey away from where I live and it costs about £30, so seen as I am not working at the moment this is quite hard. One of my other friend’s Laura is going traveling on Wednesday for a year so I am not going to be able to see her for a long time either. Anyway, I still live in the town that I went to school in, I spend most of my time when I am out with either my boyfriend Chris and our friends or with my friends that I had before I was with him. 

Hannah, Betony & Me

Have you ever found that you randomly get thrown together and become really good friends with someone, sometimes out of a bit of a dodgy situation? Well me and my really good friend Laura (a different one from the one who is going travelling) have had this same experience. We used to be mates who were in the same friendship group when I was with my Ex-boyfriend and used to just chat randomly. I'm not going to get into the details of it but during the breakup of my old relationship with my ex some things were said and I was very glad that Laura considered me as a good enough friend to tell me everything and explain things to me. Ever since then we have been getting closer and we now go on girly nights out just the 2 of us and will just go and get a coffee and have a chat, she is there for me when I need her and I am there for her when she needs me.

Anyway, none of these friends of mine know about my blog at all but I am going to start to tell people at some stage soon, probably starting with my boyfriend to be honest. There are a lot of reasons that I haven’t told people to be honest but talking to other bloggers on twitter, and through the #bbloggers chat on a Sunday night, they have been so supportive and have gotten me thinking about talking to my family and friends about it. I tweeted earlier that I am trying to get my friend to start blogging, she reads lots of blogs like I do and watches youtube videos, she has also said to me before that she would love to be a youtuber so I thought that getting a friend involved in what I am doing will help me come forward to people. So hopefully I will have her blog to show you guys some time soon.

So I know that this was one of the most random posts that I have ever done. I am going to get some more up this week and at the weekend so keep your eyes out for that.

Have you told people about your blogging? What was their reaction?

Lots of Love 


  1. Ooh lovely blog, the spots are fab :o)

    I tend not too talk too publically about my blog, simply because it is one of my ways to escape from the world xx

    1. Aww thank you very much :D
      & i am only going tell people that i trust i think, it wont change how i am anyway, i will be honest about things in my life and stuff like that still :) xx
