Monday, 4 February 2013

25 Random Things About Me

HI guys,

So I have seen this 25 Random Facts post going all over the blogging world so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon!

Me Being Random

1- I absolutely love practically all vegetables

2- If my steak is just about cooked all the way through that will do for me (Rare but not Blue)

3- I have a Twin brother
Me & My Twin Brother

4- My car is orange

5- I have an addiction to Yankee Candles

6- Clinique skin care seems to be the only thing that ever sorts my skin out

7- My favourite soft drink is Summer Fruits Oasis

8- I have a tattoo of a dragonfly on my leg which is in memory of my best friend Connor

My Tattoo

9- I love the sound of rain on my window

10- I live in a very old house, the main part was built in 1632 (there is also a priest hole, 5 points to you if you know what one of those is)

11- My boyfriend is 6 years older than me

Me & My Gorgeous Boyfriend

 12- My 2 best friends both live in Leeds which is 2 hours away

13- I  absolutely love anything antique

14- I absolutely hate fighting, if people fight in front of me I just burst into tears

15- I was vegetarian for 4 years then ate a cheese burger when I was drunk

16- I have played darts since I was 14 & golf since I was 9

17- I am not very keen on cheese at all! On a pizza or in a toastie is about the most I can stomach

18- I was a competitive cheerleader for 6 years

My Old Cheerleading Squad
19- I have worn glasses since I was 3 Years Old

20- I am a cookbook hoarder! I am obsessed with buying them

21- I wish that I could bake cakes for a living

22- I have a major soap & glory obsession

23- I am a fully qualified Nursery Nurse

24- I HATE my Blackberry & really want an IPhone

25- I have far too many hoodies, every time I go shopping I always want to buy a new hoodie!

So yea, this has probably taken me about 20 mins to write, It is hard to write that Many things about yourself!

What random things are there about you?

Lots of Love 


  1. I nominated you for a Liebster Award!

    Helen X
