Friday, 23 November 2012

If I Were Tag

Hey again guys, so I have been doing a little bit of blog surfing :) and I found a great little blog, it is by Colette ( and I have become a little bit of a fan :) anyway she did the ‘If I Were’ tag and I really enjoyed reading it so I thought that I would give it a go myself, so here we go! 

If I were a gemstone, I'd be an emerald seen as they are my favorite
If I were a scent, I'd be CK one Shock, its ‘my smell’ according to my boyfriend
If I were a pair of shoes, I'd be a pair of High Top trainers
If I were the weather, I'd be a sunny day
If I were a facial expression, I'd be a smile

If I were a car, I'd be my orange Fiat Punto
If I were a time of day, I'd be Teatime
If I were a month, I'd be April
If I were a place, I'd be my childhood home
If I were a liquid, I'd be a glass of rosé or a cup of Earl Grey tea
If I were a taste, I'd be chocolate

If I were a sea animal, I'd be an orca, they are so beautiful 
If I were a food, I'd be a stir fry probably, I adore stir fry’s!
If I were a colour, I'd be pale blue, or black
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be a guitar
If I were a flower, I'd be a Betony
If I were a song, I'd be Kayleigh by Marillion (Seen as its my name)

If I were a planet, I'd be Pluto (I know its not a planet anymore but hey)
If I were an object, I'd be my teddy
If I were a fruit, I'd be a mango
If I were a sound, I'd be a laugh
If I were a day of the week, I'd be a Tuesday

So I hope that you enjoyed this guys, I tag everyone to do this and id love for you to link your response to me down below :)
Lots of Love 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Christmas Tag

Hi guys I have been getting into the Christmas spirit so much recently, I have started my Christmas shopping and have been getting wrapping paper and things like that together, so I thought that I would do I would do the Christmas tag to get me even more in the mood! 

1. What’s Your Favourite Holiday Movie?
1005 has to be The Grinch, I used to have it when I was younger on VHS (oooohh) hehe, and I used to watch it so much that I broke the video, you couldn’t hear any sound on the movie anymore, so I now have it on DVD, I am just waiting for this one to be worn out and I’ll have to get it again!

2. What’s Your Favourite Christmas Colour?
Has to be red! It just screams Christmas to me! I am currently on the lookout for a Christmas jumper and I was a red one. I have just always thought that red is Christmas.

3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJ's Or Dress Up For Christmas?
I don’t actually get a chance to stay in my PJ’s on Christmas day, there is that much stuff that we get up to that I always get dressed up and go and see all my family and things like that. However I would love to stay in my PJ’s all day! That’s a plan for in a few years’ time I think

4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?
This is such a hard question, because I have a very large family and I buy a lot of presents! But it would probably be either my little brother who is 8, or my boyfriend.

5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
We always open our presents of Christmas morning. Me and my twin brother always get up and open our stockings first and then we have to make our mum and step dad a brew and then we will go and open our presents from under the Christmas tree.

6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?
No I haven’t! I really want to, I have made Christmas cakes, gingerbread cookies and mince pies before.

7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
I just love to spend time with my family. We love going to Christmas markets and Christmas shopping and just decorating our houses and spending as much time together as possible!

8. Any Christmas Wishes?
Hmmm I don’t actually know, I know most of my presents that I am gtting this year as they are things that I have been out and picked myself. But i would love a Michael Kors watch :) *Chris take note* hehe

9. Favourite Christmas Smell?
Either my Yankee Candle in Macintosh Spice, I have been nurning this for the last month and I absolutely love it, I have almost finished my 1st one and am going to but some more of the tumblers today! Or Christmas trees, my nana and granddad always have a real Christmas tree in their front room (we are having our 1st real one this year *yayy*) and I just love it when I walk into their house and open the front room door and just get hit with a wave of pine!

10. Favourite Christmas Meal or Treat?
Well, you can’t beat Christmas dinner in my opinion! It is one of the best meals of the year without a doubt! I love everything to do with Christmas dinner! Even sprouts! But I do really love candy canes, and advent calendar chocolate as well!

So I hope that you guts enjoyed this, I tag everyone to do this tag to get you into the Christmassy spirit!
Be prepared for lots of Christmassy posts from me over the next few weeks!
Lots of Love

All Used Up #3

Hello Guys,
So this is going to be quite a long post & quite picture heavy, this is my 3rd empties post as even though I have been a little absent I have still been collecting my empties and stuff for you all! :)

Wella Silvikrin Hairspray
I absolutely love this! I have used it for years, ever since I was dancing as I used to find it to be the best thing to keep out big hairstyles in place. I have already bought a new can of it and have been using it all of the time again; I can’t see me changing my allegiance for hairspray any time soon.

Nivea Daily Essentials Face Wipes
I have actually used 2 packs of these recently! One at my boyfriend’s house and one at my house, I did like them however Simple are my favourite face wipes and I am using them again now! 

Sally Hansen Strengthening Nail Polish Remover
This again is another staple in my dressing table! I always use it and don’t generally defer from using it, it takes everything off my nails and doesn’t make them feel brittle or dry at all! I pain my nails quite a lot and change the colour often so it is something that I use a lot of the time!

M & S Bohemia Shower Gel
I got this last Christmas off my Nan with a bottle of the perfume, I really love the smell of it and I use the perfume on a daily basis when I don’t want anything too strong! However I don’t think that I would repurchase it as I like lots of different shower gels, at the moment I am using Lush Snow Fairy. 

Tony & Guy Conditioner for Brunette Hair
This wasn’t one of my favourite conditioners I have ever used! I felt like I needed a lot of it and I wasn’t too keen on the smell! It did condition my hair really nicely once I had used enough of it to go through my hair, this being the case it didn’t last me very long and it wasn’t the cheapest, so I wouldn’t repurchase this again. 

Body Shop Cranberry Joy Shower Gel
I absolutely love this! I bought 3 bottles in the January sales when they were about £1.50 each and have pretty much been using them all year round! They smell amazing! It is one of my favourite, if not my favourite scent from the Body Shop, I wish it wasn’t just limited edition at Christmas! My boyfriend even really likes it! So I think I may go and get some more over this Christmas period to save up for over the next year when I cannot buy it any more.

No7 Beautiful Skin Eye Make-Up Remover
I bought this when I had a £5 boots voucher because I love trying new products from No7 when I have them, I had never used an eye make-up remover which had the water and oil in and you have to shake before you use it. I did really like it and it made me not have to scrub at my eyes when taking my makeup off, however I am now using the Clinique eye make-up remover which is the same and it is so much better, the No7 one made my eyes sting a little bit, the Clinique one feels as gentle as water on my eyes.

Dove Go Fresh Cucumber & Green Tea Deodorant
 If you have seen either of my other empties posts you will be able to see that this is another staple in my life! It is the only deodorant that doesn’t make me come out in a rash under my arms! I don’t think I need to write any more about this to be honest! 

Johnsons Face Wipes
Again another pack of face wipes! Like I said before simple face wipes are my favourite, these were nice however they made my face a little sore after I had used them. I liked the smell of them but I do not think that I will repurchase them. 

Clinique Superdefence Moisturiser
 This is my daily moisturiser, I absolutely love it, it makes my skin feel great and I have used it for a long time! I haven’t had it in full size because I use a lot of Clinique products and you get a lot of mini’s in the bonus time packs that you get with 2 purchases. I am using another one now! I love the fact that it has SPF in it as well! 

Soap & Glory Flake Away
I absolutely love this body scrub! This is just a mini version of the scrub, I now have it in the large size, I use it about once a week, especially now It is getting into winter and my skin is getting drier. I would obviously repurchase this again after I have used up my large size one!

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion
I think that this has been in another one of my empties posts! I use this twice a day as my toner! You have to shake it to activate the powder in the liquid. I will hands down put my skin clearing up down to this! When I don’t use it my skin gets so much worse and I break out a lot, this is such a staple in my daily routine, which at the moment is working well for me.

So guys these are my Empties  of late, have any of you had any recent empties?
Lots of Love